Hey my name is Jeremy Maher, and for the last 8 years I've helped people like you put a stop to harassing collector calls, eliminate their debt and improve their credit.
I’m going to show you how to immediately stop those harassing collector calls
but some of the info I’m going to share is personal and embarrassing so please don’t judge me.
I had ONE day that changed EVERYTHING...
After I got denied a job for having bad credit, I was sitting in bed with the lights off, staring at the TV and it wasn’t even on.
My brain was on stress overload. My stomach was knotted up and my chest was tight.
How was I going to pay my monthly bills?
How was I going to pay my debts?
I had a degree in finance and I couldn’t get a job and I was in debt. This can happen to anyone regardless of their situation.
Then the change began…
The phone rang and I was scared to see who was calling.
This call was not from a collector…. but from my mom.
The collection problem had progressed, to where the collectors were not only calling me but calling my family.
While my mom showed love on the phone, I could hear the disappointment in her voice.
My mom had raised me better than that and it made me feel horrible.
We all have moments in our lives that change our default future.
This was my moment!
I started doing research on the internet. Going through blog posts, news articles, website forums. I interviewed experts in the industry and I even studied and memorized the 2 main laws that protect us from collection harassment.
What you’ll love about that, is I did all the research and work so YOU don’t have to do it.
After the calls stopped I was so much more relaxed.
Less stressed, I felt better about myself.
Heck, I wasn’t scared to answer the phone anymore.
I even had less arguments with my spouse.
And as you can imagine... Life became a lot easier!
Now After the calls stopped, I got a job at a mortgage company where I looked at credit reports.
Really bad, mediocre, good and perfect credit reports came by my desk every day. That led to a curiosity to learn everything I could about credit reporting and credit scores.
Then I started researching how to eliminate my debt.
I ended up being able to get a job at a debt settlement company to learn the behind the scenes secrets like how you get paid $1000 for every collector violation.
That's right you get paid $1000 for every collector violation and I’m going to reveal more about that with you in a moment…
Many of my friends, family and coworkers started confiding in me, explaining how they were getting collector calls and having financial and credit challenges.
Soon I was helping out many of my friends, family and coworkers stop harassing collector calls, eliminate their debt and improve their credit.
My friends and family were able to get out of that rat race and they were able to BEAT the banks AND the credit bureaus at their own game.
That’s awesome right?!
Several customers and even my mom kept suggesting I start a business to help more people.
Frankly, I was nervous to start a business because it seemed like a lot of work, but they kept pushing me and I started looking into it.
After being nudged for quite a while and doing a ton of research I decided to start the business. Thanks to people spreading the word and getting customer referrals the business took off fast
The main reason I do this now is to reach more people and see the difference it makes in their lives.
Oh... and you want to know another big motivator for me to start my business?
It's because I HATE the way the credit bureaus, the government and the banks are exploiting the average hard-working American. They make it so difficult to get the things we need, and they prey on us by charging insane amounts of interest and penalty fees.
NO ONE deserves that and I'm here to help.
Jeremy Maher